
Jumat, Oktober 28, 2011


I - Model C-212-CC (Transport Category Airplane), approved 22 July 2002.

ENGINE Two Garrett Turbine Engine Co. Model TPE331-10-501C or
TPE331-10R-501C Turboprop engines. (see note 6)
FUEL See AFM for approved fuels and approved fuel additives.

Takeoff (initial) (5 minutes) 900 944 100 650
Takeoff (APR on) (5 minutes) 900 944 100 650
Maximum Continuous 900 944 100 650
Transient overspeed limits: 105.5% for 30 sec.; 106% for 5 sec.
100% RPM is defined as 41 730 rpm engine rotor speed, 1 591 rpm
propeller shaft speed.
Transient temperature (EGT) limit (1 sec.): 770°C
See approved Airplane Flight Manual for additional information.
OIL Oils conforming to Garrett Turbine Engine Co. Specification EMS
53110 (Type I and Type II). See approved AFM for a list of
approved engine lubricating oils.

2 Hartzell Model HC-B4MN-5AL, constant speed hydraulic full
feathering, reversible propellers.
Blades: 4, Model LM 10585 B+4, or
4, Model LM 10585 ANK + 4
Diameter: 279 cm (110 in)
For %RPM as windmilling see approved Airplane Flight Manual.
Blade angle measured at 107 cm (42 in) radius station:
Feathered: 83.0° ± 1.0°
Flight Idle: 7.0° ± 0.3°
Start Locks: -1.5° ± 0.2°
Full Reverse: -10.0° ± 0.5°
CASA October 2003 EA-2002T06-02 Sheet 2/5

 Maximum operating (VMO): 200 kias
Maneuvering (VA) - sea level: 146 kias
Flaps extended (VFE)
- 25° (takeoff): 135 kias
- 37.5° (approach): 130 kias
- 100° (landing): 115 kias
Minimum control speed - Air (VMCA): 85 kias
C. G. RANGE Weight
(kg) (lb)
FWD      7 700 16 976 16.00 30.00
%MAC  7 450 16 424 15.90 30.00
AFT       5 013 11 051 15.00 30.00
%MAC  4 300 9 481 15.00 30.00

Straight-line variation between points given.
DATUM A jig point is located in forward fuselage frame No. 3 and marked
on the underside of the fuselage. The C.G. reference datum is
situated 111.5 cm (43.90 in) forward of the jig point.
LEVELING MEANS Plumb-bob provisions on aft face of aft cockpit compartment
MEAN AERODYNAMIC CHORD Length is 219.0 cm (86.22 in).
MAXIMUM WEIGHT Takeoff: 7 700 kg (16 976 lb)
Landing: 7 450 kg (16 424 lb)
Zero Fuel: 7 100 kg (15 653 lb)
Ramp: 7 750 kg (17 086 lb)
MINIMUM CREW The minimum flight crew is two pilots.

Not applicable. (See NOTE 8)
MAXIMUM BAGGAGE Aft baggage compartment: 400 kg (882 lb)
Total – max. floor loading: 586 kg/m2 (120 lb/sq. ft)
700 kg/linear m (470 lb/linear ft.)
Baggage and/or cargo load must comply with loading limitations of
approved Airplane Flight Manual, and must be loaded in accordance
with loading instructions of Weight and Balance Supplement to the
approved Airplane Flight Manual.

Total capacity: 2 074 liters (548.00 US Gal) in two wing tanks.
Usable fuel: 1 998 liters (528.00 US Gal).
Unusable fuel: 75.7 liters (20.00 US Gal).

(See NOTES 1 (b) and 1 (c) for data on system fuel and oil).
OIL CAPACITY Usable oil: 4.97 liters (5.25 quarts) in each engine tank.
Unusable oil: (NONE)
CASA October 2003 EA-2002T06-02 Sheet 3/5

7 620 m (25 000 ft)

CONTROL SURFACE Elevator: Up 30° ± 1° Down 20° ± 1°
MOVEMENTS Elevator trim tab: Up 15.5° ± 0.5° Down 21° ± 0.5°
Rudder: Right 27.5° ± 0.5° Left 27.5° ± 0.5°
Rudder trim: Right 12.5° ± 0.5° Left 19° ± 0.5°
Aileron: Up 20°± 1° Down 15°± 1°
Aileron trim tab: Up 15°± 1° Down 15°± 1°
Wing flaps: Down – 0 to 40°
Down – Takeoff 10°
Down – Approach 15°
Down – Landing 40º

S/N’S ELIGIBLE A Certificate of Airworthiness for Export endorsed as noted under
"Import Eligibility" must be submitted for each individual aircraft
for which application for a Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness is
made. (See NOTE 9)

IMPORT ELIGIBILITY A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the basis
of a DGAC-Spain Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a third
country Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of used
aircraft imported from such country), including the following
“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected,
tested and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian approved
type design as defined by the Brazilian Type Certificate no.
2002T06 and in condition of safe operation”.
The CTA Report H.10-2070-01, dated 22 July 2002 or further
revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance of
these airplanes. (See NOTE 4)

CERTIFICATION BASIS Brazilian Type Certificate Nr. 2002T06 issued on 22 July 2002
based on:
- RBHA (Brazilian Requirements for Aeronautical Certification)
25, which endorses the FAR Part 25 effective 01 February
1965, as amended by 25-1 through 25-35;
- RBHA 34 corresponding to FAR Part 34, dated 10 August
1990, and OACI Annex 16 Volume 2, 2nd Edition dated 1993;
- RBHA 36 corresponding to FAR Part 36, dated 01 December
1969, and OACI Annex 16 Volume 1, 3rd edition dated 1993;
- FAA Special Condition nº 25-100-NN-6, dated 18 May 1981,
related to installation of an automatic takeoff power control
system (ATPCS) on the engines of the C-212 airplanes.
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT The basic required equipment, as prescribed in the applicable
airworthiness regulations (see Certification Basis) must be installed
in the airplane.
CASA October 2003 EA-2002T06-02 Sheet 4/5

NOTE 1: Weight and balance.
(a) Current weight and balance report, including list of equipment included in certificated
empty weight, and loading instructions must be in each aircraft at the time of original
(b) Unusable fuel and system oil and all hydraulic fluid must be included in the certified
Unusable fuel is that quantity of fuel remaining in the system and in the tanks when
the fuel quantity indicators read zero. The approved unusable fuel of 75.7 liters (20.0
US Gal – 59.0 kg (130.0 lb) is considered of the system and tank fuel determined
under RBHA/FAR 25.959.
(c) System oil is the amount of oil required to fill the oil system and the tanks up to its
normal level.
NOTE 2: Markings and placards.
All placards presented in the limitations section of the approved Airplane Flight Manual
must be installed in the appropriate location on the aircraft
NOTE 3: Continuing Airworthiness.
(a) The service life limits for aircraft structural parts, which are fatigue critical, are listed
in the approved Airframe Maintenance Manual, Chapter 5.
(b) Life limited parts for the Model TPE331-10 and –10R series engines are listed in
FAA-Approved Garrett Service Bulletins TPE331-72-0180, dated 15 February 1978,
or letter FAA-Approved revisions.
NOTE 4: The differences of the Brazilian airplanes in relation to the basic DGAC-Spain type
design are summarized below:
1. The Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual; and
2. Markings and placards in Portuguese or bilingual.
NOTE 5: For the C-212-CC Model with TPE331-10R-501C engine installed the INTA-approved
Airplane Flight Manual, Document 78-25-1 Revision 7, dated January 8, 1982, or letter
approved revision is required.
NOTE 6: Engine Models TPE331-10-511C and TPE331-10R-511C are the same as Models
TPE331-10-501C, and TPE331-10R-501C with Garrett Service Bulletin No. TPE331-72-
0395, effective 01 April 1983, Revision 1, dated 10 November 1983, or later revision
incorporated and are eligible when CASA Service Bulletin 212-80-22 and 212-80-23 are
incorporated upon installation of the later model engine.
NOTE 7: Operation of the C-212-CC Model with a TPE331-10-501C or TPE331-10R-501C engine
on one side and a TPE331-10-511C or TPE331-10R-511C engine on the other side is
authorized for a maximum of 300 hours after the later model engine is installed.
C-212-CC airplane performance is unaffected with mixed engine installed.
CASA October 2003 EA-2002T06-02 Sheet 5/5
NOTE 8: The type design specified herein and approved by CTA Type Certificate No 2002T06 is
not intended to be used for passenger transportation purpose. The model approved is a
restricted aircraft for survey use only.
NOTE 9: This Type Certificate Data Sheet is applicable only for airplane model C-212-CC39 serial
number 245, model C-212-CC40 serial number 196, model C-212-CC50 serial number

Kamis, Oktober 20, 2011

Complete Private Pilot,training course DVD.

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Sejak aku masih kecil, saya selalu bermimpi terbang. Pada kenyataannya, aku bahkan berencana menerapkan untuk Angkatan Udara dalam rangka bagi saya untuk terbang jet.Namun, saya tidak pernah mendapatkan kesempatan itu dan selama bertahun-tahun, mimpi saya terbang tidak pernah menjadi kenyataan.

Aku masih ingin terbang tapi saya tidak punya uang untuk mendapatkan pelajaran yang luas terbang formal. Bahkan, saya masih memiliki waktu sulit menghasilkan cukup uang setiap bulan untuk membayar sewa apartemen saya di kota. Sekarang, apa lagi untuk pelajaran terbang?Saya juga punya teman yang sekarang menjadi pilot swasta dan memiliki lisensi untuk itu.Setelah bertemu dengan dia, dia bercerita tentang Kursus Pelatihan Percontohan Lengkap Swasta  di dan dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa ini adalah di mana dia belajar bagaimana untuk terbang dan bagaimana ia mendapat lisensi pilot pribadi.

Pada awalnya saya benar-benar skeptis tapi aku memutuskan untuk mencobanya. Selain itu, ini mungkin kesempatan terakhir saya belajar bagaimana untuk terbang pesawat atau helikopter untuk hal ini.Setelah saya mulai belajar bagaimana untuk terbang menggunakan saja CompletePilot saya menemukan bahwa terbang adalah tidak semua rumit. 
Segala sesuatu di produk ini benar-benar mudah dimengerti. Dari kontrol untuk terbang pesawat dan helikopter untuk mengetahui bagaimana lepas landas dan mendarat, pada dasarnya semuanya benar-benar dijelaskan oleh instruktur.
Gairah saya untuk terbang benar-benar direvitalisasi setelah mengetahui bahwa pesawat terbang tidak sulit untuk dilakukan. 
Aku harus tahu tentang dasar-dasar pesawat terbang.Instruktur itu benar-benar profesional. Dia memiliki track record piloting 10 pesawat yang berbeda yang berkisar dari kecil DC-3 ke pesawat Boeing 747 besar komersial.
Saya pikir anak dalam diriku telah pergi untuk selamanya tetapi berkat produk ini, saya sekarang punya anak itu dalam diriku yang suka terbang kembali.Saya harus mengakui bahwa saya membaca banyak buku instruksional untuk belajar bagaimana menerbangkan pesawat. Namun, tidak satupun dari mereka benar-benar dapat dibandingkan dengan CompletePilot

CompletePilot Flight Training Affiliate Banner 300 250

Produk ini adalah salah satu manual penerbangan paling lengkap dan komprehensif instruksi yang pernah saya temui dengan.Produk ini telah mengajarkan saya banyak hal yang saya tidak diajarkan  di sekolah penerbangan dan itu benar-benar membantu saya  terbang dengan mudah.
 Saya menemukan bagian pada panduan ujian dan jawaban yang sangat tak ternilai.
Hari ini, saya sekarang memiliki lisensi pilot pribadi saya dan sekarang terbang pesawat pribadi hampir setiap minggu. Ini benar-benar investasi yang sangat baik untuk orang yang ingin belajar bagaimana untuk terbang dan juga untuk pilot yang ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang pesawat terbang dan helikopter.
Kursus Pelatihan CompletePilot adalah sederhana, mudah, dan juga cara yang telah terbukti untuk mencapai lisensi pilot swasta. 
Saya benar-benar merekomendasikan produk ini kepada semua orang yang ingin belajar bagaimana untuk terbang dan juga untuk pilot yang ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang penerbangan.Dengan lebih dari 2000 halaman buku panduan pilot swasta, JAR / FAA manual, persiapan ujian dan video pelatihan,mendapatkan lisensi pilot pribadi
 Anda belum pernah mendapatkan semudah ini !

complete pilot license flight training school